Thursday, January 21, 2010

give me a good luck

i finally made a brave decision to join some kind of sales academy in a big financial planner company which located on sudirman, heheee. it took 3 days (january 18-20) abound with knowledge and experience, the best part it's for FREE. thank god i was accompanied by my lovely boyfie peter, such a relief because many of the participants are older than us, otherwise still i found people at the same age as me. after this short time classes, i have to get a test and then i could become an agent and ready to get some cash if i get customers. bismillah for that.

these past three days:
- i took trans jakarta at busy hour as if im already a career woman
- i learned soooo many but my head cannot accept everything, just a part of it :(
- i have to dress neatly and nicely :) this make me realize, saving up my money to buy what i needed for working
- i love the free lunch very much.
- i knew how people enjoy lunch time at coffee shop, because it makes you feel relax after you work hard. we did this twice which took our money away hahaha
- i realized the cost for parking lot that was really overpriced (if you park your car for 9 hours!!, it happend to peter)
- me and peter meet with a midlife man who seemed very rich and wise but on the other hand, he doesnt have the manner ( nyeletuk mulu, trainer cantik digodain, beneran orang kaya??)
- i was pretended to make a meeting appointment by phone, my heart beat fast when im doing it

sleeping at the class

cant stand with caramel ice blended

oreo cheese cake, yumm
(you can see someone is wearing boots, fyi she's an old lady)

can you guess, what kind of company is this?? hehheee. if you knew it, i'll be glad if you wanna be my dear customer.
i promise you i'll always listening and understanding :)


  1. oreo cheese cake, gue selalu gak tahan untuk gak beli ndro haha

  2. iya dind, enak bgt bgt yaaa??? cheesecake apapun gw jg sukaaa loh ahahahhahaha
